Friday, July 3, 2009


Salam Everyone...
Sorry for not being able to upload and update for so long. We've been rather busy with other commitments, you know... family, work.. mana lagi ingau kan the worldwide pandemic yg sedang melanda our country masa anie. Hopefully all of you out there are taking care of yourselves and your loved ones. Be hygenic and socially responsible!! (wahh... sampat lagi kan berceramah tu..)
Anyway, when kami receive this baju, the customer says "mau arah tangan and bawah baju, design mana saja"... And I was like "hmm.... apakan ku buat nie ah??" (sambil garu garu kepala)hee... So, after a looooong while of comtemplating I had decided to do these. I hope she likes it. Will only know by tomorrow when I send these over. Will update you all with the outcome (",) so for now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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