Monday, November 10, 2008

Full Highlights & Manik Bunga

Salam semua, it has been quite a while. It has taken me quite sometime to update. There were unfortunately a few baju that had to go without pics heee... ooppss.. mana kraja lagi, so schedule kami was a bit packed.
This baju belongs to a cousin of ours. Its red, like verryy red! I know.. hee.. but she's fair (like very fair!) so she can easily pull this piece off. Nya orang, kalau orang lawa, pakai apa pun lawa kan?kan kan kan?? Anyways, full highlights on front of the baju, nothing complicated, just simple techniques. Banyak pakai sequins saja sal banyak zig-zag patterns as well as there were a few spots with scattered dots so kami pakai different sizes of pearls to bring out the design. And as for arah bahagian tangan, we had sewn half flower design in alternate colours.

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